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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.

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Upcoming Events

What's happening at NHSTE

  • LITTLE BYTES - Each month, NHSTE presents a 30-minute in depth review of just ONE way generative AI can help you become more efficient in lesson planning and delivery. Registration and info available in the upcoming events
LITTLE BYTES Recordings & Slides - now available for NHSTE Premium members.  Click here to access.  Not a Premium member, check it out!
  • Digital Learning Roundtable MeetingsIf interested in hosting, contact Cyndi at president@nhste.org. Check the event calendar for meetings scheduled to date.
                Mar 20 ~ Bedford
                Apr 11 ~ Pinkerton Academy

NHSTE Award Winners

NHSTE recognized the following people at the NHCMTC conference!

NHSTE Susan Janosz Technology Impact Award Winner   

    Melissa Brayall

    Londonderry High School

Melissa Brayall is the recipient of the  2024 Susan Janosz Technology Impact Award from the New Hampshire Society for Technology in Education (NHSTE). Currently serving as a Digital Learning Specialist at Londonderry High School, Melissa Brayall has more than 15 years of experience in K-12 education in New Hampshire. 

NHSTE Pat Keyes Technology-Using Educator Award Winner 

       Linda Reinelt

   Auburn Village School

Linda Reinelt is the recipient of the 2024 Pat Keyes Technology-Using Educator Award from the New Hampshire Society for Technology in Education (NHSTE). With more than 12 years of experience as an educator, Linda Reinholt is described by her colleagues as an innovative and dedicated educator who uses technology to promote student success and demonstrates the spirit of innovation and dedication that this award represents. 


NHSTE has several LISTSERVES for you to choose from! Join the conversations, ask a question, share and learn from other like-minded members. You do need to be a member (which is free or $25 for Premium membership).


NHSTE seeks volunteers to be more involved!  Join our monthly board meetings and volunteer when it feels right for you! 

If you are interested in any of the open positions or want to serve on any of the NHSTE committees, please click here to contact Cyndi Dunlap, our President.

The NHSTE is a New Hampshire non-profit organization formed by volunteers to improve education through the use of information technologies. NHSTE provides a structure for linking educators across the state to share the effective application of emerging technologies in New Hampshire schools and beyond.

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NHSTE  ©2025

NHSTE 46 Donovan Street, Suite 3, Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Toll Free: 866-753-4479 office@nhste.org

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