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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.


NHSTE is pleased to introduce the newest member
of our discounted pricing program.

Order through NHSTE to save your School/District money
and put more technology into the hands of teachers and students.

For school and district orders, you will make your PO out to:

PO Box 358
Georges Mills, NH  03751

Fax orders to 603-763-3473

A school subscription gives access to all your teachers, but also to students and parents.
The cost for a site license is just 1,425.00.

Orders for singular teacher subscriptions will still be done directly with Kyte Learning, but mention NHSTE to save a bit from that also.

If you would like a quote or have have any questions, contact Cyndy Currier, ccurrier@mac.com or call at 603-801-0444

Classroom Technology Simplified

Professional Development Without The Cafeteria

Kyte Learning provides a personalized learning environment built on an ever growing video library of highly relevant ed-tech training materials. Expert teachers across the nation create experience-based training courses that teach both technical skills and classroom application strategies. Administrators have the ability to assign, track, and evaluate data to understand what their teachers are training on and help them obtain the tech skills they need.

EdTech Training at Your Fingertips

We bring the best ed-tech resources together in one place through our ever-growing library of video tutorials and teacher created
training content. With around-the-clock access to technology training, anyone can take their classroom tech usage to the next level.

Personalized and Self Paced

We’re enhancing traditional PD by offering a completely customizable solution that lets educators break down otherwise
complex tech-topics, into bite sized pieces. Through structured walk-through examples, anyone can become an EdTech expert.

Badging and Certifications

Earn certifications for each and every course completed on the platform and track a variety of key metrics like time spent on courses
and assessment data. Teachers can showcase their skills by achieving a variety of badges as they progress through course content.

By Teachers for Teachers

All of our content is built by expert classroom teachers. We offer fantastic compensation to those who want to share their ideas
with the world. We provide each creator with the equipment they need to help get stellar ideas out of their brains and onto their
screens, ensuring recognition and exposure along the way.

NHSTE  © 2025

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