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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.

Our Affiliates:  NEISTE * NHCTO


Choose the membership level that meets your needs and click here to APPLY for a NEW membership or RENEW an existing membership.

Membership is based on your email address.

Membership Options (Descriptions are below)

  • Basic (Free)
  • Premium ($25)
  • Student ($15)
  • Retired ($15)


Descriptions of Membership Levels

Basic - Free membership

  • Access to the NHSTE membership listserv. (Access to the special interest group listservs is now limited to Premium Members.)
  • Receive information concerning upcoming events and news
  • Opportunity to signup to volunteer at CMTC
    Premium - $25 annual fee
      • All of the benefits included in the Basic membership PLUS:
        • Access to the NHSTE special interest group listservs (techcoord, at-udl, techteacher, etc.)
        • Discounted price to all NHSTE PD events (including CMTC)
        • Priority access to grants and event sponsorship
        • Membership gift at CMTC
        • Opportunity to apply for professional development funding from NHSTE
        • PLUS more coming soon . . .
      Premium - Student - $15 fee
      • Same benefits as the Premium Membership not including the $25 discount to one event in the first year of membership.

      Premium - Retired - $15 fee
        • Same benefits as the Premium Membership not including the $25 discount to one event in the first year of membership.


      Need Help becoming a member, renewing your membership or changing your membership level?

      Log in and use the Premium Member's Area for access to the Membership Directory and various announcements.

      NHSTE  © 2024

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