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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.


CMTC19 Webinars... Continue the learning with some webinars from our sponsors!

17 Feb 2020 6:35 PM | Anonymous member

If you registered to attend the 2019 Christa McAuliffe Transforming, Teaching, & Technology Conference (CMTC19) at the DoubleTree Hotel in Manchester you should have received an email about this.  The CMTC Steering Committee hopes that 2020 has started well for each of you.

This year for our Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsorships, we included a webinar opportunity as part of their sponsorship benefits.  We felt this would be a win-win for both our solution partners and our attendees. It provides our valued sponsors another opportunity to engage with our attendees to share with them changes in the edtech marketplace since CMTC.  It also enables CMTC to provide new content to our attendees throughout the winter and spring as we are busy preparing for CMTC20.

The following webinars have been scheduled to date: (please see descriptions below)

One Tool - Automated and Secure Network Directory Provisioning, Single Sign On, Rostering and Digital Material 

You want your IT team to spend their time on initiatives that support teaching and learning—not toil over rostering and account provisioning. We’ll show you how to quickly, easily, and securely automate these time-consuming tasks. We know the importance of access for instruction, but account secjurity and access are vital today for the privacy and security of data.

Audience: Tech Integrators, Library Media, Technology Leadership, School/District Leadership
Future Ready Alignment:  Technology & Robust Infrastructure


Aligning Future Ready School with Future Ready Tools

Join representatives from Alma along with Tom Murry in helping Future Ready educators attain competency-based results through the use of Alma’s critical SIS tooling.   We will explore the alignment of Alma’s more intuitive and powerful platform to the Future Ready Framework – meeting districts, schools, and educators where they are at and take them where they are going.  Together, we will shift our focus back to significantly more personalized teaching and learning!

Audience: K-12 educators, Technology Leadership, School/District Leadership
Future Ready Alignment:  Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment



Discover #WriQ, the #FitBit for student #writing

Join us to learn how to get back your precious time. #WriQ  helps with automatically marking spelling, punctuation and grammar in a few clicks!

Audience: K-12 educators, Tech Integrators, Technology Leadership, School/District
Future Ready Alignment:  Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment


Aligning Best Practice to Improve Performance

Join us to learn how VitalInsight technology assesses the strength of research-based best practice in districts and schools, and the new generation of data that provides proven remedies for improved outcomes.

Audience: K-12 educators, Tech Integrators, Technology Leadership, School/District Leadership
Future Ready Alignment:  Collaborative Leadership

Please note the following regarding the CMTC19 webinar series:

  • Pre registration is NOT required, just launch the Zoom link provided a few minutes prior to the start time.

  • There will be an opportunity to request that the solution partner contact you following the presentation as desired, this will be “opt in”.

  • All webinars are being recorded and will be posted to the CMTC19 YouTube channel within a week following the live event for viewing at your leisure.

  • Our facilitator, Gaby Richard-Harrington, has significant experience with solution partner webinars and seeks to keep the presentation engaging and interactive.  There will be limited time provided for Q&A following each webinar.

  • You are welcome and encouraged to share these webinar links with your colleagues.  You do NOT need to be a CMTC19 attendee to participate in these webinars.

Some of our sponsors opted to provide us with a video to post on the CMTC19 YouTube channel instead of conducting a live webinar.  Please check this video from WCA:

Additional webinars and video postings will be announced throughout the coming months.


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