N3 ~ NHSTE's Night of Networking & Annual Meeting
Finding YOUR School's Future Ready Swing!
Join us at the Derryfield Country Club (625 Mammoth Road, Manchester) on Tuesday, September 25th for an evening of hands-on fun, great food, and casual networking with your colleagues. Bring a friend and plan to meet new like-minded educators.
Explore 5 STEAM Playgrounds & Engage in 2 Interactive Conversations this year!!!
Playground directors include:
- Sheila Adams & Robin Ellwood, Rye Junior High School ~ Finding Your Swing Project
- Debbie Kelly, McKelvie Intertermedia School ~ 3D Printing & Tinkercad
- Irina Tuule, Eduporium ~ What's New for STEAM Tech?
- Kevin Harvey, Concord SD ~ Motorized Lego Builds & EV3 Robots Summer Program
- Andrea O'Neil ~ STEAM at Auburn Village School
- Cyndy Currier, NHSTE Discount Software Program Manager ~ Current Discount Opportunities
Raffle prizes include:
- as usual the mums on each table
- 2 copies of Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
- STEAM surprises!
- more STEAM surprises . . .
- Comp registration to CMTC18
Start your evening by playing in the STEAM Playgrounds and then continue to explore these interactive spaces during the dinner break.
Special guests for the evening include . . .
Sheila Adams, Science Teacher & Robin Ellwood, STEAM Teacher, Rye Jr. HS share this most engaging interdisciplinary effort . . .
“Finding Your Swing”
During the 2017-18 school year, Rye Junior High School completed a year-long project called “Finding Your Swing”, linked to a school book read of The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown. The term “swing” is used within the competitive rowing community to describe when a rowing crew is in perfect sync with each other and the boat is moving forward at optimum performance. We used the term as a theme for the year to present numerous interdisciplinary challenges to students.
One focus of the project was that each grade level (6thgrade - 8th grade) built two rowboats and their corresponding oars. Each grade level constructed a different model boat. At the end of the year, May 31st, RJHS held a “Rye Rowing Regatta” in Rye Harbor at which time grade level teams raced their rowboats through a marked course within the harbor. The entire community was invited to line the shores to cheer on the student performances and accomplishments!
Read more about the project in this UNH article.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Holly Doe, Director of Technology, Pelham SD, Lia Dossin, Outreach Manager, Future Ready Schools, & Stan Freeda, NHSTE President & NH EdTech Director & Online Learning Specialist facilitate the following conversation . . .
Navigate Your District’s Digital Transition with Support from Future Ready Schools
Join Holly Doe from Pelham School District as she shares how her district is using the Future Ready Schools (FRS) Framework to create and implement a technology plan that presents a well-rounded picture of what learning can and will look like for Pelham students and staff. With personalization at the core of the gears, Pelham’s FRS plan aims to achieve the district’s vision of “inspiring success one mind at a time.”
Future Ready Schools® (FRS) is a bold effort to maximize student-centered learning opportunities and help leaders at traditional and charter public schools and private schools leverage technology to prepare students for success in college, a career, and citizenship. Beginning with a systemic planning process, FRS helps district and school leaders develop the human and technological capacity needed to personalize student learning. FRS has a growing collection of FREE research-based planning tools including the FRS Framework, 5 Step Planning Process, and a series of webinars/blogs and resources to support all district’s digital transformation and modernization efforts.
Discover all the free support available for New Hampshire districts wanting to develop plans for the effective use of technology in improving learning outcomes using Future Ready tools and resources. Stan Freeda shares his vision for the Future Ready initiative in New Hampshire. Don’t row your boat up stream! Join the Future Ready Schools community for support for every stroke.

If you are not already a NHSTE member, it is easy to join and we even have a FREE membership (Basic).
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Time: 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.
We regret that we cannot offer onsite registration.
Program of Events:
- 4:00 to 4:45 - STEAM Playgrounds
- 4:45 to 5:30 - Sheila & Robin - "Finding your Swing"
- 5:30 to 6:15 - General Business Meeting
- 6:15 to 7:00 - Dinner & STEAM Playgrounds
- 7:00 to 7:45 - Holly, Lia, & Stan - Navigate Your District's Digital Transition with Support from Future Ready Schools
- 7:45 to 8:00 - Closing Raffle & Thanks
Registration Fees:
- NHSTE Premium Member: $25 or 1 NHSTE Event Coupon
- NHSTE Basic Member: $30 or 1 NHSTE Event Coupon
- NHSTE Board Members (current & new): 50% discount*
- NHSTE, NHACES, NHACC Past Presidents: 50% discount*
*Promotion code will be emailed to these individuals directly.
Registration Deadline: Friday, September 21, 2018 (EXTENDED)
You may pay for your registration using check, purchase order, NHSTE event coupon, VISA, or MasterCard.
Directions to the Derryfield Country Club can be found at: