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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.

Our Affiliates:  NEISTE * NHCTO

NHSTE is very pleased to announce discounted pricing for Fightsong.

For more information, quotes or pricing, please contact:
Cyndy Currier, ccurrier@mac.com, 603-801-0444.

POs and payments should be made to:
PO Box 358
Georges Mills, NH 03751

FAX: 603-763-3473

See below for the NHSTE discount code and Free Trial


The Only Remote School Counseling Platform
Remote school counseling has never been more necessary.

★ With any personal or school device, students talk to their school counselors, social workers etc.
★ School staff manages communication in a centralized platform informed by educators
★ Student geolocation
★ Priced per staff and building, not per student
★ Provides SEL resources for self-regulation
★ Free staff onboarding and tech support

For Schools who want to support their students’ mental health and social wellbeing, the FightSong! Platform is a social-emotional reporting tool that digitally connects students and their school counselors, allowing them to reach out for support in a safe environment.

Unlike Anonymous Tip lines, our product allows counselors to share resources and provide support to students BEFORE a crisis.

  • FightSong! is designed for before an incident or crisis, not an emergency. We work in tandem with tip line to cover areas, such as after support and access to their school counselors.

  • Counselors can set office hours through the program and address students during a specific time period. Reducing the time and number of office visits needed to build trust with students and get to the root of their concerns.

  • The students that have the hardest time reaching out are usually the ones that need it. Just because there are no obvious signs of bullying issues on a large scale, does not mean student mental health has been addressed.

    • Students are able to use FightSong! to report when THEY feel safe to do so. Most students prefer sending reports at night when they are thinking about their day, not during school hours. FightSong! allows students to respond on their own time, and counselors to respond during their office hours.

    • Also FightSong! can be pushed onto student school devices in a 1:1 school.

    Public School District – Augusta
Click here

Private/Charter School – Trinity Christian Academy

  • Reported a large reduction of gossip and incidents caused by the gossip.
  • Reported a reduction in cyberbullying or harassment on Social Media due to students being able to send in screenshots before the post is deleted. 

Get a FREE Trial


To get the NHSTE discount, put in this code when asking for a free trial:
NHSTE Promo Code = 101002

You only get the NHSTE discounted pricing by using the promo code

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