SuperDville,, is a fun peer-to-peer, video-based social-emotional learning (SEL) tool with corresponding curricula and hands-on activities for kids 7-12 year-olds who learn differently, (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and ADHD). Teachers (and/or parents) watch a 5-minute episode starring “real” kids who themselves are different learners. The episodes focus on SEL themes like self-advocacy, confidence, and resilience, while promoting a peer-to-peer model.
All orders must be submitted via the form on
NHSTE • PO Box 358 • Georges Mills, NH 03751
NHSTE /NH schools that require a quote, please contact Cyndy Currier,, PH: 603-801-0444,
invoices for NHSTE purchases will be issued by NHSTE, payable to NHSTE.