We created a new RUP this year, as well. I would post it, but it's pretty much a carbon copy of SAU16's (thanks Tony!). There are very few differences - our Tech Committee really liked that document.
We did add some language for staff, really establishing responsibilities for caring for their computers and making use of online services for enforcing the home-to-school connection for kids. That section is:
Staff Responsibilities
•1. Staff members who supervise students, control electronic equipment, or otherwise have occasion to observe student use of said equipment shall make reasonable efforts to monitor the use of this equipment to assure that it conforms to the mission and goals of the Alton School District.
•2. Staff should make reasonable efforts to become familiar with the Internet instructional technologies and electronic communications and its use so that effective monitoring, instruction, and assistance may be achieved.
•3. Staff shall make reasonable efforts to keep their equipment in good working order per the guidelines of the Technology Department or other Administrators. This may include dusting or vacuuming of the equipment, cleaning keyboards, etc.
•4. Teachers are expected to utilize electronic resources to post homework assignments and other class information for students on school-approved online resources.