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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.


NHSTE Happenings

NHSTE Happenings is a section of our website where we share information about what is happening with our organization, with our partners and affiliates, in the profession of educational technology, and in the education profession in general. If you have some to share, please send us an email.

  • 07 Jan 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Join members of ISTE's DigCitCommit Coalition and education communities worldwide on Feb. 11-12, 2020, for this informative and inspirational virtual event!

    When you and your students join the DigCitCommit community for this free online event, you’ll be connected to the global movement that’s redefining digital citizenship and spotlighting the do’s of digital engagement. 


  • 22 Oct 2019 2:31 PM | Anonymous member

    CS4NH and the NH Tech Alliance Workforce Development Committee is launching a social media campaign to highlight real-world experience in CS and STEM jobs in NH. For teachers, we'd love for you to share your story and share the social media feeds with your students, fellow teachers, and administrators. You may want to reach out to those with interesting stories to see if that person might come into your classes or at least answer some questions from students.

    The campaign will be focused on the week of November 4, the beginning of technology month. We are asking people to post one sentence to Twitter, Facebook and/or LinkedIn the answer to – what do you love about your job?

    “I love my STEM job because I get to… “

    “The best part of my CS job is… “

    There are numerous events around the state this year that engage students in CS and STEM activities (shared below). Our goal is to use this social media campaign to show students, teachers, administrators and more how education can translate to meaningful work.

    Would you join us and bring a few colleagues along with you? :)


    Chair, CS4NH

    Community Engagement Coordinator, Hudson School District

    (603) 714-4809


    Please share with up to three hashtags - 
    Current hashtags for teacher groups - #livefreeandcode  #NHSTEM  #NHED 

    Tech Events for Students

    (partial list)

    Cyber Robotics Coding Competition https://crcc.io/signup/2019-registration/
    NH Tech Fest – Salem High School – November 3, 2019
    Tech Women/Tech Girls Tech Ambassadors – November 11-15
    Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference, Manchester – December 3 & 4
    Computer Science Week – December 9-15, 2019
    Girls Technology Day – January 15, 2020 – UNH, Durham,
    STEM Week – March
    Girls Technology Day – March 2020 – NHTI, Concord
    Girls Technology Day – March 20, 2020 – Manchester Community College, Manchester
    Girls Technology Day – April 9, 2020 – Hypertherm Company, Lebanon
    Girls Technology Day – December 17, 2020 – White Mountains Community College, Berlin

  • 22 Oct 2019 2:29 PM | Anonymous member

    Challenge Brief

    How can we improve the world? The TCS’ Ignite Innovation Student Challenge wants to inspire students in 6th-8th grade and at least 10 years old to answer this question by sharing an idea for a digital solution, like a mobile app, website, robot, or wearable tech. Work with a team (up to 4) or on your own to define a problem that can be solved through a digital innovation in the areas of Health, Our Planet, or Education. All you need is an idea communicated via a 1-2-minute video that addresses how the digital solution will improve the world and the computational thinking strategies that were used to guide to the solution to win BIG!


    Tata Consultancy Services, (TCS), a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions organization, and Discovery Education, the global leader in standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms, are launching the second year of igniting innovation through computational thinking.


    The TCS’ Ignite Innovation Student Challenge encourages sixth through eighth-grade students to use computational thinking to create digital solutions that improve the world and solve problems impacting TCS’ three social responsibility pillars: Our Planet, Health, and Education. Digital solution ideas will be communicated through 1-2-minute video entries submitted by April 9, 2020. The winner will receive a $10,000 scholarship and a virtual mentorship with TCS team members and partners. 

    “TCS is committed to preparing the next generation of young innovators by providing resources to foster their creativity so they can find solutions to societal challenges,” said Balaji Ganapathy, Head of Workforce Effectiveness, TCS. “We’re excited to see the fresh ideas, spirit and innovation that come out of this year’s TCS’ Ignite Innovation Student Challenge.”


    Launched in 2017, Ignite My Future in School is an initiative that combines the best of digital content, lesson plans, career vignettes, and professional learning to help teachers prepare their students for careers of the future. The TCS’ Ignite Innovation Student Challenge launched in 2018 connecting computational thinking strategies and real-world problem solving.


    “Ignite My Future in School provides educators and students with useful resources that offer hands-on practice applying the concepts of computational thinking,” said Lori McFarling, Senior Vice-President and Chief Marketing Officer, Discovery Education. “The ‘Ignite Innovation Student Challenge’ takes that practice a step further, empowering students to truly believe in their ability to solve real-world problems.”


    1st Place:

    $10,000 scholarship, a virtual mentorship with TCS employees and the chance to work with TCS to make your idea come to life!

    Top Pillar Prize:

    $7,500 scholarship for top entries in Health, Our Planet and Education.

    Winner's Circle:

    Six $1,000 scholarships


    Learn More > https://www.ignitemyfutureinschool.org/challenge

  • 22 Oct 2019 2:27 PM | Anonymous member

    CMTC19 Monday PreConference Workshop offerings:

    There is an exciting line-up of Monday Mix-N-Match 3-hour morning and afternoon workshops.

    Learn more about the Conference at www.NHCMTC.org.

  • 22 Oct 2019 2:25 PM | Anonymous member

    Triple the Benefit of Your MakerSpace! Be Creative, Add Character Building, and Reinforce Social-Emotional Learning, Too!

    Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 7PM

    Irina Tuule, Chief Strategy Officer, Eduporium

    Social-emotional learning is an important and integral part of character development, but it is often separated from mainstream learning into a “special” topic or set of activities. However, we believe that establishing social and emotional connections should and could be a part of general curriculum and that students can grow and mature as citizens while engaged in subjects like math and English. Innovative MakerEd tech tools can be used not only in specialty subjects like coding and engineering, but in general education as well to help educators start a stream of positive feedback, promote safe experimentation and harmless failure, personalize student learning in order to meet various learning challenges, and create true inclusivity and equity while utilizing authentic instruction. In this webinar, we’ll discuss how to enhance teaching SEL and character development tactfully and easily using a MakerEd mindset and tools and provide educators with inspiration and some new insight for pairing MakerEd with SEL.

    Zoom Room: https://zoom.us/j/378094030


    A NEISTE Corporate Partner




    Inspiring Young Writers with Making, Coding, #twihaiku, and Digital Tool


    Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 7 PM

    Drs. Sharon Edwards, Torrey Trust, and Robert Maloy, UMass Amherst

    With inspiration, support, and tools at the ready, kids can and will write anytime and anywhere. In this session, we will showcase how makerspaces and making activities, coding, multimedia production, and interactive digital tools and apps can foster creative writing by kids of all ages. The webinar will begin with exploring creative writing exercises—composing math comics, designing 3D models, generating memes, creating stop motion animation videos, coding stories, and crafting rhymes and songs. Then, attendees will explore more than 100 digital tools and apps for inspiring writing. Finally, the webinar will wrap up with a discussion of strategies to enliven interest and enjoyment from writing for students in school. Attendees will leave the webinar with tools, strategies, and ideas for (re)inspiring writing in any grade level or subject.

    Presenters: Torrey Trust, Robert Maloy, and Sharon Edwards (authors of the new book Kids Have All the Write Stuff: Revised and Updated for a Digital Age)

    Zoom Room: https://zoom.us/j/214680326

     Dr. Sharon Edwards, Dr. Torrey Trust, and Dr. Robert Maloy 




  • 13 Oct 2019 12:52 PM | Anonymous member

    NH Robotics Education Development Program
    Application SY2019-2020



    • Must be for students at a public or charter school.
    • The school must develop an itemized budget for the current year for the robotics program.
    • The school must have established a partnership with, or has a valid letter of commitment from, at least one sponsor, business entity, or institution of higher education for the purpose of participation in a robotics competition.
    • The school must identify at least one competitive event in which the program will participate.
    • Not a recipient of a Robotics Education Development Program Grant SY 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.

    The purpose of the program is to motivate public and charter school students to pursue educational and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, while building critical life and work-related skills Grants from the robotics education fund established in RSA 188-E:24 shall be available to any eligible public school or chartered public school for the purpose of financing the establishment of a robotics team and its participation in competitive events.

    Please email the completed application to:    Melissa White, Science/STEM Education Consultant, Bureau of Student Support, New Hampshire Department of Education

    If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact:

    Melissa White              Melissa.White@doe.nh.gov or 603-271-3855.



    Notification to schools will occur by December 6, 2019

    Grants will continue to be accepted after November 15, 2019 but will only be considered if funding remains in the grant fund.

    2019-2020 Robotics Grant Application Google Link

  • 13 Oct 2019 12:51 PM | Anonymous member

    Computer Science for Middle and High School Educators

    A three-part evening series will be held in Gorham, NH over the next three months to support schools in expanding computer science opportunities for students. Computer science content for grades K-12 was formally added to how NH public schools define an adequate education in July of 2018 through HB 1674. This series of workshops is aimed at supporting computer science opportunities for the middle and high school grades. 

    The computer science opportunities in New Hampshire are growing quickly. Participants will explore how to excite and prepare their students for the growth in computer science related aspects of many career fields.

    Session #1 - Tuesday, October 22, 2019 from 4:00 - 8:00
    We will discuss what the story arc looks like for students wanting to get involved in CS, including: requirements, typical starting salaries for career tracks, and unique paths to the workforce. We will look at how to bridge early middle school curriculum with high school curriculum and then onto connecting to workforce opportunities.

    Session #2 - Tuesday, November 12, 2019 from 4:00 - 8:00
    The main topics of this session will explore big data, artificial intelligence, and other CS careers beyond game design and programming.  We will  hear from industry leaders about future vision and opportunities for these computer science fields within NH and/or New England.

    Session #3 - Tuesday, December 10, 2019 from 4:00 - 8:00
    Cybersecurity will be the main topic of this session.  We will share resources for integrating cybersecurity topics into your curriculum as well as explore career opportunities in this realm. A panel of cybersecurity experts, including Jason Golden, Chief Information Security Officer of Mainstay Technologies will join us for this session. During this final session, we will look at next steps on how we, as educators, can evolve our classes and culture to excite and prepare students for the digital aspects of all future jobs.

    Computer science educators, those potentially interested in becoming certified computer science teachers, Extended Learning Opportunities/Internship coordinators, those interested in workforce development, school counselors, business teacher, any teacher interested in technology-related entrepreneurship, and other middle/high school content area teachers who are interested in how computer science connects to their subject area are all invited to attend.

    The sessions will be held at North Country Education Services (NCES) in Gorham, NH from 4:00-8:00 PM. The sessions are free to all NH educators, but pre-registration is required at ncedservices.org/csnorth-fall2019 or by calling 603-466-5437. The series is being presented in partnership with White Mountain Science Inc (WMSI) through the CSNorth project currently supported by the Jane’s Trust Foundation. A light meal will be provided. Professional development certificates will be awarded to participants.

    Download the flyer here.

    You may contact Lori Langlois with any questions at lori@ncedservices.org.

  • 13 Oct 2019 12:43 PM | Anonymous member

    On October 29th, the NH-based National Collaborative for Digital Equity is holding a day-long gathering to share some extraordinary breakthroughs in removing digital divide barriers for students in NH and their educators and families.

    Come join us at St. Anselm College for the NH Summit on Digital Equity on October 29th:  https://www.smore.com/s3bmz.

    • We’re launching a nationally significant precedent to spur bank-supported investment in affordable broadband access across as many areas of the state as possible (see attached). Your voice would be welcomed and valuable!
    • We’ve set the nation’s first precedent for using bank Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) funds to finance refurbishment and donation of computers for home use by lower-income students.  Come help us launch the effort to encourage banks and employers statewide to donate and finance refurbishment of tens of thousands of recent used computers, equipped with lifetime warranties and Office 365.
    • Join a pioneering effort we’re launching at the summit to equip interested future and current school librarians with the skills to use LibChat to provide chat-based support for students and their families who are enjoying home access to broadband and computers for the first time.


    Please come help us shape a much more equitable future for our students.

    You can see the full summit agenda, list of partners and sponsors, and registration link here. (Oh, and there’ll be cool door prizes). 

  • 06 Oct 2019 5:42 PM | Anonymous member

    Please see below for some of Apple's Fall workshops and events. See links for agendas and registration.  

    Tuesday, October 15

    Apple Tech Update for Education 

    Portsmouth Harbor Events & Conference Center 

    Portsmouth, NH

    Technical Update (see agenda below) 

    8:30 am – 12:30 pm

    Register >

    Digital Creation and Publication with iPad 

    1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

    Register > 


    Wednesday, October 16

    Apple Tech Update for Education 

    The Verve Crown Plaza Hotel 

    Natick, MA


    Technical Update (see agenda below)

    8:30 am – 12:30 pm

    Register >


    Digital Creation and Publication with iPad  

    1:00 pm – 3:00 pm 

    Register >


    October 23 – 24

    Apple Interactive Space @ MassCUE

    Apple Interactive Classroom Experience 

    Gillette Stadium

    Foxborough, MA

    Doors open every 30 minutes

    2019 Fall Conference

    Learn more >


    November 4

    Foxcroft Academy Visit 

    9:00 am – 12:00 pm 

    975 Weset Main Street

    Dover, NH 04426

    Register >

    This will be a wonderful opportunity to see firsthand Foxcroft Academy’s technology infrastructure designed to support teaching, learning and innovation in the classroom. Attendees will hear testimonies from members of the local community. as well as tour the Foxcroft's classrooms for an in-depth look at their program. Other takeaways will be:

                • Discover how Foxcroft Academy leverages iPad to connect day-to-day learning with cross-curricular standards to empower students.

                • Visit classrooms where teachers are facilitators of learning and students are active and engaged participants.

                • See students demonstrate and document learning in diverse ways, and find out from them how this enhances their engagement and achievement.

                • Hear from the school’s leadership team about their vision for enhancing student learning and achievement with technology.

                • Learn about the school’s unique model for supporting teacher leadership and empowering and encouraging classroom teachers to be effective innovators.


    December 1 – 3

    Apple @ CMTC (Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference)

    DoubleTree by Hilton Manchester Downtown

    Manchester, NH

    Learn more >

    Register >

    Pre-Conference Workshops – Monday, Dec 1

    Everyone Can Create: Ignite Creativity with iPad for Early Learners (K-5) 

    8:30 am – 11:30 am

    Description >

    Everyone Can Create: Ignite Creativity with iPad (6-12) 

    12:30 pm – 3:30 pm 

    Description >

    Enhancing Leadership Strategies with iPad Pro 

    4:30 pm – 7:30 pm 

    Description >

    Concurrent Sessions – Tuesday, Dec 2

    Strengthening Literacy with iPad 

    9:40 am – 10:30 am

    Description >

    Bring Augmented Reality to Your Classroom with iPad

    12:50 pm – 1:40 pm 

    Description >


    Agenda for Technical Update October 15 & 16

    7:45-8:30 am - Arrival 
    8:30-12:30 pm - Presentation and Demonstrations

    We will have four rooms with various presentations. Some sessions will run multiple times, some only once, and some will be hands-on.  Seating for each of the sessions is first come, first served.

    Deploying macOS 10.15:  macOS 10.15 Catalina brings a number of new deployment and management features as well as security enhancements that are relevant for and will affect your deployments. Come to this session to learn more about enrollment customization, the Bootstrap token, the read-only system partition, the new SSO extension, system extensions, and more. This session will aim to provide a summary of all topics and changes that impact deployment and management and they will be discussed in the context of workflows.  (Presented by Mike Boylan, Apple Consulting Engineer)

    What’s New in Deploying and Managing iOS 13 and iPadOS:  This presentation will focus some of the new deployment-related options and features available for iOS 13 and the just released iPadOS. We will cover updates to Apple School Manager, a new form of lightweight management called User Enrollment, discuss the new Single Sign-on Extension, and highlight key technologies to help IT administrators deploy Apple devices at scale while providing an optimal experience for your users.  (Presented by Trey Bachner and Lars Ljungholm, Apple Systems Engineers)

    iPadOS 13 for Education:  Join us for a hands-on experience focused on the latest educational features of iPadOS. (Presented by Ryan Wiggins and Matt Brooks, Apple Development Executives)

    Tech Roundtable:  Informal Q&A with Apple Consulting Engineers and SE’s.  We would love to hear how your deployments have been going, answer questions and solicit your constructive feedback that we can share with our product teams.

    Federation Deep Dive:  In the Spring Apple introduced the ability for Apple School Manager to federate with Microsoft Azure.  Federation allows your users to use their existing district account as their AppleID.  In this session we will provide an update on Federation.  We have worked with a number of districts who have successfully implemented.  We will share lessons learned, review the details of the process, and provide tips for success.  (Presented by Devin McLaughlin, Apple Systems Engineer)

    Sunsetting DEP & VPP - how to migrate:  Are you still logging in at volume.itunes.apple.com (VPP) or deploy.apple.com (DEP)?  If you were not aware access to these sites is going away as of December 1st.  This session will review the upgrade process to move over to Apple School Manager and give you an opportunity to ask questions. (Presented by Patrick Hernandez, Apple Systems Engineer)

    WiFi Explorer:  Hands on session with WiFi Explorer, a tool to validate the wireless environment and optimize performance for Apple devices.  (Presented by WiTS Senior Rockstar Field Engineer, Dave Cardona, Dave is a Sr. WLAN Engineer, Instructor, Wi-Fi SME, & APS Apple Readiness Review Engineer)

    Implementing Single Sign-On for iPad and Mac using Mosyle Manager:  Explore MDM workflows that can facilitate the use of cloud identity services such as Google, Office365, Azure as well as active directory (no bind required) to authenticate users on your Apple Devices and learn about the management possibilities that are unlocked by providing this experience during the setup assistant.  (Presented by Bradley Schneider, Mosyle MDM Specialist)

    School’s In Session with Jamf: How to Enhance the Student, Teacher, and Parent Experience with iPads:  Take a hands on journey with us to experience the day one life cycle of an iPad. We will guide you from enrollment, to being in class, and then coming home after school. We will show you how you can use your iPads to empower your students, teachers and parents using Jamf.  (Presented by Eric Blakely, Jamf Field Systems Engineer,)

  • 06 Oct 2019 5:41 PM | Anonymous member

    The contest challenges students in grades 6-12 to show how STEM can be applied to help improve their local communities. 300 state finalists will be selected to submit an activity plan.  This Contest focuses on how Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (“STEM”) can be applied to help improve your local community.

    Entry Form Questions:

    1. What is the biggest problem,challenge or issue faced by your school community that you will tackle for your Solve for Tomorrow project? (not to exceed 200 words in length)
    2. How can STEM be applied to address this problem,challenge or issue? (not to exceed 200 words in length)

    Each national winner school receives a $100K prize package including Samsung technology and classroom resources. Plus, all teams get to attend the Final Event in Washington DC to meet with congressional leaders in April.

    Entry Period began on Thursday, August 29, 2019 and ends on Wednesday, October 23, 2019.  The Contest will be divided into four phases.

    The Contest is open only to legal residents of the fifty United States, who are twenty one years of age or older, and currently employed as full-time teachers in a public Middle School, Junior High School, or High School, grades 6-12, including Charter Schools that are 50% or more publicly funded. Subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.

    Entrants are responsible for confirming whether their school has any policies or restrictions concerning participation in Contests such as this prior to entering. The awarding of prizes is subject to such school policies. If, for any reason, any school is unable to accept a prize, including due to school policies, the prize will be forfeited and Sponsor will not have any further obligation to such school. Prizes will be awarded to the school for the benefit of the teacher submitting the Entry. By entering the Contest, you authorize the Sponsor and Administrator to communicate with you via email, phone, voice mail messaging or by text messaging to communicate Contest information.

    You may enter the Contest by visiting www.Samsung.com/Solve during the Contest Entry Period and following the directions to complete and submit the Official Entry Form. Entry Note: Your answers to the questions on the Entry Form will be judged to determine which entrants will advance to Phase Two of the Contest.

NHSTE  ©2025

NHSTE 46 Donovan Street, Suite 3, Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Toll Free: 866-753-4479 office@nhste.org

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