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New Hampshire educators sharing the ways technology transforms teaching and learning.


NHSTE Happenings

NHSTE Happenings is a section of our website where we share information about what is happening with our organization, with our partners and affiliates, in the profession of educational technology, and in the education profession in general. If you have some to share, please send us an email.

  • 10 May 2020 7:48 AM | Anonymous member

    The New Hampshire Department of Education is hosting their second annual Assistive Technology Fair virtually this year.  The 2020 Assistive Technology Fair is being developed by Inclusive Technology Solutions, and promises to be an exciting day long virtual event.

    The Fair will run from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST.  This event will bring together New Hampshire based practitioners and organizations; national Assistive Technology presenters and vendors. The day is comprised of 25 minute assistive technology presentations.  The program will consist of 25 minute EdCamp-style conversations; and, 25 minute vendor presentations. Over 40 sessions will be available throughout the day and the best part of all – the event is FREE!

    Plan. Explore. Create. Share – Assistive Technology
    Wednesday, May 20, 2020;   10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

    The virtual hybrid conference experience will include:

    • 25 Minute Sessions led by Local or National AT Experts
    • 25 Minute Sessions Edcamp-style conversations led by participants
    • 25 Minute  Vendor Sessions

    Details and schedule can be found at https://pecs-at.com/pecs-at-conference-2020/.

    Register for the event and explore the on-line schedule at bit.ly/atexpo520.

  • 10 May 2020 7:32 AM | Anonymous member

    Free Webinar: Learn About the National Online Teaching Standards Tuesday 5/12/2020

    SETDA is excited to offer this professional learning opportunity for educators to better understand how to teach online either full time or in times of remote learning via the Teaching Online: National Online Teaching Standards Webinar. Participants will receive an introduction to the national online teaching standards and how they can support all teachers. The 2019 edition of National Standards for Quality (NSQ) Online Learning was published by the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA) and Quality Matters (QM) to provide the K-12 online and blended learning community with an updated set of openly licensed standards to help evaluate and improve online courses, teaching, and programs. There are three standard sets – Online Programs, Online Teaching, and Online Courses – and this edWebinar will focus on the Online Teaching standards. In addition, a representative from Virtual Virginia, Virginia’s statewide virtual school, will share strategies used to introduce and implement the online teaching standards within their program. 

    Registration to attend the live presentation is limited to 1,000. You can sign up to receive an email with the recording link.

    Presented by:

    • Christine Fox, Deputy Executive Director, SETDA
    • Cindy Hamblin, Director, Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance
    • Sarah Warnick, Director of Products & Services, Virtual Virginia 

    This edWebinar will be of interest to kindergarten through high school teachers, librarians, and school and district leaders. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation. To Get a CE Certificate for this edWebinar Learn more

  • 03 Mar 2020 7:21 PM | Anonymous member

    At each NHSTE Board meeting, we are trying to share out some new idea, cool happenings, great edtech projects, etc. This month, we gathered a few resources for schools in regards to pandemic outbreaks and preparations for schools. Here are some links to review:

    NH DOE Press Release Feb 28, 2020

    NH Department of Health and Human Services Resources

    US Department of Ed Resources

    Interim Guidance for Schools from the CDC

    Washington PostWhat schools and teachers should be doing now about coronavirus, according to the experts

    EdWeek School Resources

    EdWeek Post: Coronavirus and School Closures: What Are the Legal, Logistical Issues?

    Kidblog & Coronavirus

    Please consult the Google Spreadsheet for more informational resources.

  • 03 Mar 2020 4:37 PM | Anonymous member

    New Hampshire!  It’s your time to SpeakUp!

    Join us for an online webinar on Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 12:00 PM EST.

    Get an overview on our Speak Up Research Initiative and how you can get involved. Understand the methodology from Speak Up creator and lead researcher Dr. Julie A. Evans Learn why it is vital for you to collect this data from your stakeholders and how you can translate it into actionable knowledge. We'll share all the basics about Speak Up and how to use it successfully in your school (s)/district (s).

    Register for this Webinar

    Registration Link https://zoom.us/meeting/register/vJQuc-mspzMplhgX6a0cL0aVB3htw6SkKA

  • 17 Feb 2020 6:35 PM | Anonymous member

    If you registered to attend the 2019 Christa McAuliffe Transforming, Teaching, & Technology Conference (CMTC19) at the DoubleTree Hotel in Manchester you should have received an email about this.  The CMTC Steering Committee hopes that 2020 has started well for each of you.

    This year for our Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsorships, we included a webinar opportunity as part of their sponsorship benefits.  We felt this would be a win-win for both our solution partners and our attendees. It provides our valued sponsors another opportunity to engage with our attendees to share with them changes in the edtech marketplace since CMTC.  It also enables CMTC to provide new content to our attendees throughout the winter and spring as we are busy preparing for CMTC20.

    The following webinars have been scheduled to date: (please see descriptions below)

    One Tool - Automated and Secure Network Directory Provisioning, Single Sign On, Rostering and Digital Material 

    You want your IT team to spend their time on initiatives that support teaching and learning—not toil over rostering and account provisioning. We’ll show you how to quickly, easily, and securely automate these time-consuming tasks. We know the importance of access for instruction, but account secjurity and access are vital today for the privacy and security of data.

    Audience: Tech Integrators, Library Media, Technology Leadership, School/District Leadership
    Future Ready Alignment:  Technology & Robust Infrastructure


    Aligning Future Ready School with Future Ready Tools

    Join representatives from Alma along with Tom Murry in helping Future Ready educators attain competency-based results through the use of Alma’s critical SIS tooling.   We will explore the alignment of Alma’s more intuitive and powerful platform to the Future Ready Framework – meeting districts, schools, and educators where they are at and take them where they are going.  Together, we will shift our focus back to significantly more personalized teaching and learning!

    Audience: K-12 educators, Technology Leadership, School/District Leadership
    Future Ready Alignment:  Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment



    Discover #WriQ, the #FitBit for student #writing

    Join us to learn how to get back your precious time. #WriQ  helps with automatically marking spelling, punctuation and grammar in a few clicks!

    Audience: K-12 educators, Tech Integrators, Technology Leadership, School/District
    Future Ready Alignment:  Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment


    Aligning Best Practice to Improve Performance

    Join us to learn how VitalInsight technology assesses the strength of research-based best practice in districts and schools, and the new generation of data that provides proven remedies for improved outcomes.

    Audience: K-12 educators, Tech Integrators, Technology Leadership, School/District Leadership
    Future Ready Alignment:  Collaborative Leadership

    Please note the following regarding the CMTC19 webinar series:

    • Pre registration is NOT required, just launch the Zoom link provided a few minutes prior to the start time.

    • There will be an opportunity to request that the solution partner contact you following the presentation as desired, this will be “opt in”.

    • All webinars are being recorded and will be posted to the CMTC19 YouTube channel within a week following the live event for viewing at your leisure.

    • Our facilitator, Gaby Richard-Harrington, has significant experience with solution partner webinars and seeks to keep the presentation engaging and interactive.  There will be limited time provided for Q&A following each webinar.

    • You are welcome and encouraged to share these webinar links with your colleagues.  You do NOT need to be a CMTC19 attendee to participate in these webinars.

    Some of our sponsors opted to provide us with a video to post on the CMTC19 YouTube channel instead of conducting a live webinar.  Please check this video from WCA:

    Additional webinars and video postings will be announced throughout the coming months.


  • 02 Feb 2020 4:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Back by popular demand ~ spring Digital Learning Specialist RoundTable

    Date: April 22, 2020

    Time: 8:30-2:00

    Location: Winnacunnet High School Lecture Hall, 1 Alumni Drive, Hampton, NH 03842

    Target Audience:  Secondary Digital Learning Specialists 

    Theme: Creation & Engagement

    This Digital Learning Specialist RoundTable for the secondary level (6-12) is being hosted by Julie Hall at the Winnacunnet High School in Hampton, NH for secondary school Technology Integration Teachers/Specialists on Wednesday, April 22nd.  Part Learning Tour, part EdCamp, and part discussion group, the attendees set the discussion topics for the day and support each other with their challenges.

    This roundtable provides an opportunity for New Hampshire digital learning specialists to gather and share thoughts about (but not limited to) using technology to engage and create in the classroom. The specific topics and schedule will be developed from participants’ feedback prior to the roundtable. Possibilities include: 

    • How does technology support engagement/creation in the classroom? 
    • Favorite tools/stories of engagement and creation? Benefits of using digital tools to engage and create? Challenges? Solutions?
    • Tech Slam: Showcase your favorite tool(s)! Bring a lesson to share that could be implemented at another school!
    • Demo of Shared Studio: WHS is using Shared Studios to create meaningful human interactions between people separated by distance and difference. Come see what this experience is like as we host a digital “meetup” in a coffee shop-like atmosphere with educators from another country to discuss the challenges and success’ of using technology in the 21st century classroom. 
    • Creating Meaningful Professional Development: What are your tips and tricks to get teachers to engage and create?
    • Tour of School

    We know that professional development is important for everyone. In many cases, technology integration teachers are solo in their own buildings or districts. This roundtable opportunity is for those technology integration teachers interested in having conversations about particular topics to improve instruction for staff and students in their own district. Topics/discussion will be tailored based on participant attendees thoughts. Let’s get together to have thoughtful conversations to help move our schools forward.

    A light breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee.  Attendees are encouraged to bring both their best practices and challenges.

    Registration is limited to 20 participants, so register ASAP to ensure a seat! NHSTE Premium & Basic members receive advance notice for all professional learning opportunities.

    Target Audience:

    Digital Learning Specialists (Technology Integration Teachers) at the secondary school level

    Questions???:  For more information or questions about this event please contact:

    Julie Hall at jhall@warriors.winnacunnet.org

    Registration Deadline: 

    Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

    Registration Fee:

    General Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Basic (free) Member Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Premium (paid) Member Registration: $25.00

    NHSTE Event Coupons:  1 Coupon Numbers; Please select, pay as "Manual" when registering and email the coupon numbers to office@nhste.org, your payment will then be confirmed. Thank you!

    NOTE - Please remember to allow your email system to receive emails from nhsteorg@gmail.com for event updates and confirmations.

    Payment Information:

    During the online registration process, you will be able to pay your fee by check, purchase order, NHSTE Event Coupons, or credit card. 

    • We only accept Visa or Mastercard credit cards.
    • For all other payments, follow the “Off line” payment directions.

    You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours following your completed registration.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Cancellations requested by Wednesday, April 15th, 2020 will be refunded in full.

  • 02 Feb 2020 3:37 PM | Anonymous member

    Epping Digital Learning Specialist RoundTable

    Date: March 26, 2020

    Time: 8:30-2:30

    Location: Epping Middle and High School Media Center, 21 Academy Street, Epping, NH 03042

    Target Audience:  MS/HS Digital Learning Specialists 

    This Digital Learning Specialist RoundTable for the secondary level (6-12) is being hosted by Tyler Nekton & Deborah Dyer at the Epping Middle and High School in Epping, NH for secondary (ms/hs) school Technology Integration Teachers/Specialists on Thursday, March 26th.  Part Learning Tour, part EdCamp, and part discussion group, the attendees set the discussion topics for the day and support each other with their challenges.

    This roundtable provides an opportunity for New Hampshire digital learning specialists to gather and share thoughts about (but not limited to) using technology to engage and create in the classroom.

    Proposed agenda:

    8:30-8:45am ~ Welcome, Introductions, & light breakfast

    8:45-10:00am ~ Topic #1

    10:00-10:30am ~ Tour of Epping Middle and High School 

    10:30-11:00am ~ Explore EMHS Innovation Center & Media Center

    (includes zSpace, Padcaster studio, 3D printers, robotics, etc.)

    11:00am-12:00pm ~  Topic #2 

    12:00-12:45pm ~ Lunch & networking

    12:45-1:45pm ~ Topic #3

    1:45-2:30pm ~ Tech Slam (Participants bring a tool/strategy to share with the group)

    The specific topics and schedule will be developed from participants’ feedback prior to the roundtable. Possibilities include:

    Digital Citizenship

    • Media balance for middle/high school students
    • Curriculum ideas & resources

    Technology Standards

    • ISTE
    • NH CS
    • Media/Digital Literacy
    • Crosswalks?

    Professional Development

    • Networking
    • Workshops for DLS?

    Digital Portfolios


    • Vetting/approving apps/extensions, etc.
    • How different districts are applying security standards (2FA, password settings, network security) and training staff and students
    • Tyler has secured Dan Dister, Chief Information Security Officer for the state, to join for part of the day to field questions about HB1612 as it pertains to DLS and the new SB 694.

    What does it look like to be a DLS at your school/district?
    Measuring teacher & student progress in meeting technology standards

    Leveraging technology in competency-based education

    We know that professional development is important for everyone. In many cases, technology integration teachers are solo in their own buildings or districts. This roundtable opportunity is for those technology integration teachers interested in having conversations about particular topics to improve instruction for staff and students in their own district. Topics/discussion will be tailored based on participant attendees thoughts. Let’s get together to have thoughtful conversations to help move our schools forward.

    A light breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee.  Attendees are encouraged to bring both their best practices and challenges.

    Registration is limited to 20 participants, so register ASAP to ensure a seat! NHSTE Premium & Basic members receive advance notice for all professional learning opportunities.

    Target Audience:

    Digital Learning Specialists (Technology Integration Teachers) at the secondary school level

    Questions???:  For more information or questions about this event please contact:

    Tyler Nekton at tnekton@eppingsd.org

    Registration Deadline: 

    Thursday, March 19th, 2020

    Registration Fee:

    General Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Basic (free) Member Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Premium (paid) Member Registration: $25.00

    NHSTE Event Coupons:  1 Coupon Numbers; Please select, pay as "Manual" when registering and email the coupon numbers to office@nhste.org, your payment will then be confirmed. Thank you!

    NOTE - Please remember to allow your email system to receive emails from nhsteorg@gmail.com for event updates and confirmations.

    Payment Information:

    During the online registration process, you will be able to pay your fee by check, purchase order, NHSTE Event Coupons, or credit card. 

    • We only accept Visa or Mastercard credit cards.
    • For all other payments, follow the “Off line” payment directions.

    You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours following your completed registration.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Cancellations requested by Thursday, March 19th, 2020 will be refunded in full.

  • 02 Feb 2020 3:35 PM | Anonymous member

    Back by popular demand ~ spring Digital Learning Specialist RoundTable

    Date: March 12, 2020

    Time: 8:30-2:00

    Location: Hollis Primary School, 36 Silver Lake Road, Hollis, NH 03049

    Target Audience:  PreK-grade 5"ish" Digital Learning Specialists 

    This Digital Learning Specialist RoundTable for the elementary level (PreK-5ish) is being hosted by Sarah Proulx and Penny Currier at the Hollis Primary School in Hollis, NH for elementary  school Technology Integration Teachers/Specialists on Thursday, March 12th.  Part Learning Tour, part EdCamp, and part discussion group, the attendees set the discussion topics for the day and support each other with their challenges.

    We know that professional development is important for everyone. In many cases, technology integration teachers are solo in their own buildings or districts. This roundtable opportunity is for those technology integration teachers interested in having conversations about particular topics to improve instruction for staff and students in their own district. Topics/discussion will be tailored based on participant attendees thoughts. Let’s get together to have thoughtful conversations to help move our schools forward.

    A light breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee.  Attendees are encouraged to bring both their best practices and challenges.

    Registration is limited to 20 participants, so register ASAP to ensure a seat! NHSTE Premium & Basic members receive advance notice for all professional learning opportunities.

    Target Audience:

    Digital Learning Specialists (Technology Integration Teachers) at the elementary school level

    Questions???:  For more information or questions about this event please contact:

    Penny Currier at penny.currier@sau41.org


      Sarah Proulx: sarah.proulx@sau41.org 

    Registration Deadline: 

    Thursday, March 5th, 2020

    Registration Fee:

    General Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Basic (free) Member Registration:  $30.00

    NHSTE Premium (paid) Member Registration: $25.00

    NHSTE Event Coupons:  1 Coupon Numbers; Please select, pay as "Manual" when registering and email the coupon numbers to office@nhste.org, your payment will then be confirmed. Thank you!

    NOTE - Please remember to allow your email system to receive emails from nhsteorg@gmail.com for event updates and confirmations.

    Payment Information:

    During the online registration process, you will be able to pay your fee by check, purchase order, NHSTE Event Coupons, or credit card. 

    • We only accept Visa or Mastercard credit cards.
    • For all other payments, follow the “Off line” payment directions.

    You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours following your completed registration.

    Cancellation Policy:

    Cancellations requested by Wednesday, March 5th, 2020 will be refunded in full.

  • 07 Jan 2020 4:28 PM | Anonymous member

    Participate in Speak Up and learn what K-12 students, educators, and parents have to say about educational uses of technology in your schools and home!

    Visit our New Hampshire page at https://tomorrow.org/speakup/NewHampshire.html

    Get an overview on our Speak Up Research Initiative and how your school and district can get involved.

    SpeakUp Sample Timeline https://tomorrow.org/speakup/promo_district_timeline.html.

    SpeakUp Promotional Materials https://tomorrow.org/speakup/promo.html

    Watch this video:  https://youtu.be/tyx6OpzdSig

    SpeakUp creator and lead researcher Dr. Julie A. Evans helps you understand the methodology Speak Up uses. You will also learn why it is vital for you to collect this data from your stakeholders and how you can translate it into actionable knowledge. Julie will give you all the basics about Speak Up and how to use it successfully in your school and district.

    All your SpeakUp data is confidential and will be given back to your district.  Your data can be useful for:Technology planning and budgeting justification

    • Technology planning and budgeting justification
    • Professional development justification.
    • Supporting district initiatives and strategic design and planning.
    • Supporting and giving students a voice.
    • Supporting and giving community members a voice.
    • Understanding perspectives and points of view.
    • Determining alignments and disconnects in teaching and learning.

    In 2017, Dr. Julie Evans gave a special presentation for NH schools and districts. Watch it at https://youtu.be/g_SlJC4KFwE


  • 07 Jan 2020 1:02 PM | Anonymous member

    Free Professional Development for Teachers by Teachers

    EdCamp is an unconference.

    What Does That Mean?

    Come enjoy a day with colleagues. Arrive with an idea for a session that you would like to lead or with the anticipation of a full day of learning. A session might explore a technology tool, a discussion about best practices, or a collaborative presentation with multiple facilitators.

    During the first hour, you will have time to meet other teachers over coffee. There will be an empty session board where you and all attendees can post session titles.

    Over the course of the day, you will have the opportunity to attend up to four sessions. Edcamps empower attendees with the rule to “vote with your feet”. If a session doesn’t meet your needs, simply get up and move on to another room.

    We will be providing a certificate of attendance for the professional development you receive. You will learn something new, maybe make a new friend, and receive information that you can immediately apply in your classroom and professional life!

    What is the Cost?

    EdCamp All Learners is free. Breakfast & Lunch will be provided by local sponsors.

    What Should I Bring?

    Bring a friend. A laptop, tablet or device with wireless Internet is useful. It will allow you to view the session board online, take notes, and view websites discussed throughout the day.

    Click here to register:


NHSTE  ©2025

NHSTE 46 Donovan Street, Suite 3, Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Toll Free: 866-753-4479 office@nhste.org

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